Time has finally come that you decided you want to have a baby but for some reason you are not pregnant? Having a child is something that most women take for granted and never think much about it until you come to have a baby and can not seem to get pregnant.Trying months to get pregnant after month with no success is very frustrating. You start wondering what's wrong with me and why am I not getting pregnant? Just because you run into some difficulties trying to conceive a child does not mean that you can not or will not. Most women who have trouble getting pregnant have medical problems preventing them from doing so. They just need to make some lifestyle changes to improve their chances conception.Listed below are three things that can stop you from getting pregnant: Ovulation miscalculated - As simple as this may sound, if you do not know when you ovulate can be very difficult to get pregnant. Most women are on a 28 day cycle and ovulate around day 14. Women who have a sho
rter cycle, for example 25 days would ovulate around day 11. Those cycles that last longer than 34 days or so should be around ovulation time 20.Take days to study your body and learn when ovulation takes place you.Knowing When having sex - If you do not know when ovulation is may not be having sex at the right time. Once you determine ovulation schedule, the best time for sex is two days before ovulation begins and the day of ovulation. You do not want to have sex everyday that this man will lower your sperm count.Poor Diet - You need a healthy immune system to conceive a child. Eat a diet rich in processed foods, sugar and caffeine does not help in your quest to have a child. Replace unhealthy diet with things such as vegetables, fish, lean meat and healthy organic eggs.The your diet, your immune system stronger and better your chances are to get pregnant.These are just some of the many reasons are not of pregnancy. To find other possible reasons for not getting pregnant,
visit the resource listed below. Most women can have a baby naturally without medical intervention. It just may take time, patience and willingness to try different things.Not Getting Pregnant? Learn how thousands of women have reversed their infertility and had beautiful healthy babies. Http: / / www.notgettingpregnant.org visit to find out how.
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