Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Perimenopause symptoms in women

As a woman approaching the age of 40-50, chances are it will soon begin to enter perimenopause. This is the start of symptoms that are related to menopause, for example. hot flushes, night sweats, dry skin, mood swings, forgetfulness, weight gain, and more. However, there are some conditions where the symptoms of menopause can be brought on earlier, such as surgery, illness, radiation, and more. No woman wants to go through menopause, to begin with, but if she has a medical condition that brings about earlier can be particularly devastating. This can happen with certain types of cancer, in which even if the ovaries are removed (ovarian cancer, in particular), radiotherapy or chemotherapy treatments can cause early menopause a type known as \' medical menopause \'. If a woman has an operation that involves direct removal of the ovaries or uterus only, it can be looked at \' surgical menopause \', where the ovaries are made. However, most likely it will be at its end fertility.
Depending what type of surgery she is likely your doctor will prescribe a certain type of hormone therapy to deal initially with the loss of the body's natural source. In the case of hysterectomy, the uterus is removed, the ovaries may still be healthy enough to produce estrogen and progesterone. However, if one or more of the ovaries are removed, definitely a particular type of HRT should be recommended in order to replace the hormones in the body and avoid a total \' instant menopause \\ u0026quot ;, in which physical and psychological effects can be quite devastating. However, your doctor should be able to advise you in advance what to expect and answer your questions about hormone replacement if necessary.There is also a condition known as \' failure Premature ovarian \' which can happen at any age before a woman would be considered naturally occurring menopause. This only occurs in about 1 in every 100 women, and may also be linked to other medical conditions such as ge
netic disorders, severe malnutrition, anorexia, immune system disorders, polycystic ovary syndrome, or pituitary tumors . It is characterized by having very low levels of follicle stimulating hormone and insufficient levels of estrogen and amenorrhea or absence of a normal period. Although POF is often reversible if the condition is caught early enough in a healthy woman, it is possible to return to fertility. See your doctor immediately if you suspect that you might have this condition.There are many symptoms of menopause, and also many cures for these symptoms. Learn as much as you can about them, and you can take positive steps to find help for you. Learn more by visiting us at our collection and reading Solid article!

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