Wednesday, July 28, 2010

15 Great Tips for Cooking While Camping

For some campers, camp cooking is one of the most interesting activities in a holiday camp. The thrill of putting a sumptuous menu of different meals, of putting together ingredients for sweet smell of meat, spices and vegetables and see the satisfied look in your family as you prepare dinner banquet really catch fire Your enthusiasm no matter how exciting it is important to stress that is camp cooking. more complicated than regular home cooking. Besides that you can not bring the whole kitchen with you in camp and that if one type of ingredient you forgot, there is no convenience store you can easily buy a rosemary or thyme, it also requires more effort and work hard to ensure that you have a successful camp cooking experience.Here are some helpful tips for more fun cooking time: Tip # 1: Write a menu with all the dishes you plan to cook the trip Camping. It is better to opt for simple dishes, that would not training all day. From this menu, create a checklist of ingredients
, cooking utensils and you need to make to ensure that remember anything.Tip Number 2: Prepare ingredients at home. Measures and implement them in resealable plastic bags with labels so you spend all day cooking. Remember, there are still other activities to do.Tip No. 3: Half-cook meat, poultry, fish at home. This will save cooking time and fuel for stoves. Put them in plastic containers and then freeze in cooler. What is also great about this is that pre-cooked meat last longer than raw meat.Tip 4 Number: Rely on trusted camping stoves. Cooking efforts do not be ruined by a grand stove would not light. It is better to opt for trusted brands like Coleman camping your stoves.Tip Number 5: Do not forget to bring a grill if you plan to grill. Do not assume that camp site will have all the features you need.Tip Number 6: Bring more matches and keep them dry by putting in sealed containers like film canisters. These containers are also great as containers for salt and pepper.Tip
Number 7: Be flexible menu. Do not mourn or send your family to the next town to get a green onion for your antenna. Improvise and use an alternative ingredient that can be found within the perimeters of your campsite.Tip Number 8: Bring small amounts of seasonings, spices and other food packaging to save space. Instead of making huge bottle of ketchup, only without envelopes or transfer an amount sufficient for the whole family in a less container.Tip Number 9: It is better to use ice block ice chest because it takes much more than a cube or tube ice.Tip Number 10: Rub the bottom of pots and pans for washing with soap before cooking. This will make up time afterwards easier.Tip Number 11: Pocket knives come in handy during cooking camp. Using those characteristics lock to avoid accidental folding blade when you cut up meat or a slice of bread bread.Tip Number 12: Do not leave food outside the tent to prevent attracting bears and other animals.Tip Number 13: Do not forget t
o bring a great service aluminum foil and a couple of ziplock bags. They do not take much space and have a variety of uses.Tip Number 14: Cover and pots and pans during cooking so the meals will get faster and save fuel. This will also maintain, unwanted insects from your food.Tip Number 15: Apply a little oil of your camp cooking grate, so food will not stick on it.We know that you know how to handle the cooking, but you will definitely find these tips and cooking items amazing.Learn about volleyball and volleyball conditioning drills site Volleyball Drills.

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