\\ U0026quot, You, yourself, as much as anyone else in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. \\ U0026quot; BuddhaAre you your own best friend or you worst enemy? I often hear people put down and beat the crap out of themselves that word makes me wonder if they are nice to themselves.My business partner was beating her because she gained weight and her thinks he is looking old. She wears size 4 normally are close to her, and she complains about it! Please! In addition, the reality is that we are all going to get older on the outside, so make sure the little person inside it.Are nice to learn to accept you or you will not find fault with you constantly? You're too fat, too old, too stupid, too short, too tall, too new at this, too poor, too sure you'll meet someone and on and on. What is that you keep saying to yourself that is preventing you had a very nice Remember when you were young? You thought you had problems? Well, the truth is, perhaps, life was not so
bad and still is truth. Not so bad now either, but we spend a long time, so focused on what we like, do not about ourselves or our lives we forget how good we have it.Today is the day which should begin to accept you right where you are, with all the things you can not seem to live with or do not like about yourself. Today is the day to love yourself just a little more and stop putting down.How you think you put down will make you feel? How do you think is best to make you feel? Your self esteem takes a hit every time you take a swing at it. And do not think for a moment that has consistently not wanted to take you is that toll.How about what you focus on you attract. So all of this negative energy, all that negative talk and all verbal flogging is keeping you stuck in a perpetual unhappiness.So why do it? It makes you feel better or worse? It does not help you get what you want or do not tend to not only keep you stuck, but make you feel worse, because nothing has changed?
If you hear someone talking to a child or friend in an embarrassing, ugly, what would you do? You just stand by or would step and say, \' who think you should talk to her / him this way? Go away and come back. \\ U0026quot; Well, start to tell you 'means self \' just like the next time you start taking vaccines at yourself.Sure, Might There are things we wish were different but if you learn to accept the all seen good and bad, then you will not have a good relationship with yourself.Be your own best friend. Learn to be nice to you right where you are in life right now. You will begin to be more confident, your day will look brighter and every day will be less stressful and sad.Start to thank God / Allah / Higher Power for all blessings. Stop focusing on what you do not like about your life and see yourself as a precious gift that the rest us.Learning to truly love will be the best gift you give yourself and allow you to make your very own best friend !------ Susan Russo is a
n author and coach who has inspired people around the world learn the secrets to finding happiness within. Want to learn the secrets? Learn how to dramatically improve your life, arguing FREE '7 Keys to a mini-report output \'.
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