best friend \' dogs are man \' as popular statement goes. pet owners usually show care to their pet dogs by hugging and petting them. If you have a pet, are you going to do that when the dog was infected with ringworm? When you do this, will most likely show symptoms 10-12 days after exposure .- ringworm dermatomycosis also known as ringworm affect different types of animals and much of it are dogs. In fact, there was a study to determine the prevalence ringworms among infected animals, and 14.3 to 65% is the herpes .- dog species is a fungal infection caused by fungi belonging to the genus Microsporum and Trichophyton. They get nutrients from keratin to multiply and live to its host. Keratin is the fundamental component in the structure of skin, hair, nails and therefore these areas are usually infected with ringworm .- All living organisms have their own defense against any foreign organisms often come into contact with the host. Sebum is a defense of the body and is destro
yed by microorganisms can penetrate easily, such as the fungus that causes ringworm. Sebum protects skin from drying and cracking caused by dehydration. Excessive bathing or washing is one of the reasons why sebum is removed .- Dogs can become infected through direct contact with dermatophytes mushrooms, or the infected host. They can contract ringworm spores dermatophyte in dogs. They may also obtain, fungal infections from pet owners, by hugging and petting their dogs .- dermatophytes thrive best in warm, humid areas. pets can become infected with ringworms through breaks in the skin, and wetlands can increase the risk of fungal infection ringworm .- Symptoms include circular patches that are pale and scaly in the center. Red circular lesion raised edges. Sometimes it may or may not be accompanied by itching and inflammation .- dermatomycosis can be diagnosed by inspection of the affected area of skin. Veterinarians can also use an ultraviolet light, known as Wood's lamp t
o detect fungi. Fungal culture can also be used to confirm the presence of fungi .- oral and topical forms of anti-fungal drugs are more potent in eliminating fungi in a short time. Trimmer body is also recommended that dogs with long hair to expose the affected site and to facilitate treatment in a quick and easy way .- While the dog is being treated, is highly recommended for clean environment in which the dog resides. Sloppy and wet conditions can precipitate fungal growth. You can use bleach and water solution to clean areas where your pet usually stay and sleep .- If you have a number of pets must isolate the infected animal from others to prevent the spread of fungal infections because it is contracted through close contact .- The fabric much as possible carpets, rugs, carpets, curtains, and comes into contact with other dogs must be regularly cleaned using a disinfectant solution such as bleach (1 1:10 : 100 mixed solution in water), lime sulfur (1:33 solution), and e
nilconazole (0.2% solution ).------ To protect your family and pets from ringworm to be armed with knowledge . If you want to know more information about any ringworm in dogs please visit
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