Sunday, August 22, 2010

Secret knowledge of old masters

This is one of the secrets that the old masters knew, but did not really know what he knew. Secret is how to fight from outside the body, and although I learned from Karate, it can be learned in any martial art. The secret will not work, of course, unless your art is perfectly aligned and matrixed.One of the first things one learns how to explode in karate is the Tan Tien. This is part of the forms, and it appears to continue the practice of forms. Too many students think that the secret is in the technical forms, but all forms wrong.The secret has to do with generating adequate power, and, again, one has to have a form completely aligned, because it totally matrixed to happen. Unfortunately, most students believe that their form is good, so it looks as alignment, and matrixing, is actually. Their forms and systems that are not aligned, or matrixed is proven that people simply are not usually leave their bodies to fight through a second practice martial arts.The teaches karat
e thing happens after about three years. One will be freestyling, or to make shapes and, suddenly, are a pair of legs behind their heads. Or maybe a little higher, or anywhere but inside their heads.One stop being aware of eyeballs at this point and begin to focus on is a struggle. It is a very exciting and heady experience, but is actually not looking to the physical senses. Perception is more like a gold tube, a tube that can be focused on one person is moving fighting.At this stopping point as muscles tightening, and feels, and that one is shoving the body forward as a single unit. This is a quite unique and completely devastating, because it is not much a person can still use its eyes to fend off attack. Reaction time is gone, there is no angle \' or telegraph intent to move your body just moved, and the opponent is third onslaught.The sheep before it is one of confusion, what is one thing when one is Working outside the body? One does not bother with muscles, and must b
ecome accustomed to the potential energy of the body. Use less effort and more intent, and becomes intimate with concepts such as \' without moving the motion \' This is the secret of martial arts. A matrixed aligned and body and art, and intense practice that leads literally a student of his skull. It is no secret that the body is ignored in today's designs, build muscle, physique toting society, and it's sad. For if the body is aligned correctly and the art by Matrixing concepts, then it is possible for anyone to reach a higher state of existence. This can be done with karate, or aikido, or any event art.Al sought secret knowledge of ancient Masters for more than 40 + years. You can learn what he learned in a free ebook on Martial Arts Monster.

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