Saturday, August 21, 2010

Forced Continuity Good or bad? - Part I

Continuity is forced this years Exit pop every so often? A celebrity IM use (or sell) a highly effective method of marketing. It isn't necessarily a new technique, but the sheer volume of JV partners that support it, therefore ensuring maximum visibility.The saturation marketing by imitating or plagiarising the idea for the next 6-12 months, sometimes longer.Some love it . Others will hate it.And a vocal minority will flood the forums with an acid mixture of anger, hatred and evil speling.In few days time, a significant new promotion that will start in my opinion, raise Forced Continuity status.In anticipation of this flood of information (and information MIS) which is likely to follow, I decided to pre-empt the response with a calm and measured some continuity consideration.Forced DefinitionWithin marketing industry, refers to a forced continuity offer that requires the customer to commit to one or more future payments, each of which will be taken without seeking further per
mission.Forced Continuity ExamplesAn Internet DVD rental company offers free DVD rentals for two weeks, after which time monthly payments of $ X will start. monthly payments will continue indefinitely until you cancel membership.A phone company offers a free phone when you open an account with them. Terms required to pay a monthly line rental fee of a minimum of 12 months. Termination before 12 months until an editor often assumes considerable penalty.A offers a free magazine subscription for three months. After three months are up, unless you cancel your subscription, direct debit subscription will start taking payments from your bank account every quarter.And so sure you can think of several I'm Evil instances.Forced Continuity? I've used these three examples because one of your comments are likely to hear from some groups over the coming weeks and months, that continuity is enforced is inherently wrong and unethical (and possibly illegal). You will, of course, their concl
usions, but most people will look at the above cases of forced continuity without seeing anything wrong with that them.In, I suppose most people already pay for something through a system of continuity forced. If you pay rent, utility bills or a money order or direct debit, then you are, by definition, is forced to face some problem continuity.So marketing? Lately, it was so quick to condemn forced continuity ?------ To read the rest of this article, please visit: / forced continuity-good-or-bad / To To read more articles by David Congreave, go to Lucid Blog

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